Marketing Fees
We only make money when you make money
Fees and structure are negotiable depending upon the variety of services required and the type of firm being represented. Fees will typically consist of an annual retainer in addition to 20% percent of the management fee for the life of any new accounts brought in.
Our payment structure helps to insure that we only make money when you do. By having our marketing fees tied directly to the management fee, it encourages us to seek out long term clients. Additionally, our interests are directly aligned with those of the manager. If it becomes necessary to negotiate a lower management fee, (a common practice among consultants) we will bear the burden of this decision along with you.
Expenses typically covered by client (Pre-approved):- Travel, lodging and client attended meals
- Printing costs
- Postage
Details can be worked out to suit each particular situation and need. We pride ourselves on being extremely thrifty and getting the most out of each dollar spent.